Rocket Agency Usage Agreement

Rocket Agency and sites and applications under the name of Rocket Agency provide important information that users need to read before registering and making purchases without registration. The essential information is outlined below in bullet points:

Users registering on sites and applications under the name of Rocket Agency, and making purchases, are considered to have read and accepted these points. Please do not register on sites and applications under the name of Rocket Agency if you do not agree to these points and do not read them.

It is recommended to read the User Agreement, which includes terms, rules, and legal responsibilities regarding site usage, at before using Rocket Agency.

Rocket Agency advises users to visit the user agreement page each time they access the site.

If the terms do not fit your requirements, please do not accept this agreement, and refrain from using these sites and applications.

By using the site and filling out the membership form containing personal information, you are considered to have accepted the terms stated on these pages.

Rocket Agency reserves the right to change, reorganize, or stop any service, product, or information offered on this site without prior notice.

In the following cases of abuse, the site management may block user access and reserves the legal rights against individuals or groups who have not reviewed these terms:

General Article 1 Descriptions on the Rocket Agency Panel ( regarding social media services apply for every 1000 orders, and customers placing orders should be aware that the multiplier increases according to the order amount. Article 2 Descriptions provided in the service descriptions may vary for all services. Every customer placing an order must have read and accepted all items in the description section. Failure to read the description section will result in Rocket Agency not issuing refunds for any orders placed. Article 3 If a portion of your order is completed or canceled due to any service issue, Rocket Agency will automatically refund the order balance. Article 4 No guarantees are provided on any social media services offered on the Rocket Agency Panel. Article 5 Rocket Agency customers must not engage in actions that would disturb others or order items related to obscene, betting, coupon, political, violent, offensive, harassing, abusive, or illegal content. In the event of an order, their memberships will be terminated without refunding any balances inside, without warning. Rocket Agency is not obliged to review every order sent by customers. In the event of any abuse, Rocket Agency does not accept any portion of the completed order and holds the customer responsible. Article 6 If any link is removed or modified in orders placed through the Rocket Agency Panel, Rocket Agency will not use its refund policy or process refunds for the order placed. Article 7 Customers who register with Rocket Agency and place orders agree to these rules and cannot complain or claim rights in case of any issues. Article 8 Rocket Agency reserves the right to change the above articles without notice. Article 9 Social media platforms are constantly being updated and refreshed. With these updates, Rocket Agency's services also need to be updated. All Rocket Agency customers must accept any delays resulting from these updates and any changes or issues in delivery times. In case of objection, Rocket Agency reserves the right not to use its refund conditions. Article 10 In the event of closure of accounts or deletion of posts, etc., by social media companies due to rule violations and actions taken on their accounts, Rocket Agency assumes no responsibility and reserves its refund conditions. Rocket Agency's services are only obligated to complete the quantities specified in the service. In the case mentioned above, if accounts are affected, Rocket Agency does not accept any responsibility. Article 11 Rocket Agency customers should be aware that orders should not be placed on unconfirmed email, unverified SMS, and newly opened accounts. Article 12 All services and websites on Rocket Agency are processed with computer software. If any security vulnerability is found on Rocket Agency and not reported, the relevant Rocket Agency customer will be subject to legal action, and their account will be closed without warning and without any refund or charge. Article 13 Rocket Agency does not provide any guarantee for any activity and drop in all orders placed on Rocket Agency. Article 14 Orders should not be created for the same profile/username/link before an order is completed. In such a case, the amount spent may be lost, operations may be disrupted, and no refund may be made. Everyone who registers and places an order through Rocket Agency's applications accepts these rules and cannot complain or claim rights in case of any issues.

General Conditions 

1.a Recording of incorrect, irregular, incomplete, and misleading information, containing expressions that do not comply with general moral rules. 1.b Unauthorized copying of the content on the site in whole or in part. 1.c The user is directly responsible for any damage caused by sharing (use by persons other than the user) of user information, such as usernames, passwords, usage rights given to users, with third parties or institutions. Similarly, the user cannot use personal information such as another person's IP address, email address, username on the internet, nor can they access or use other users' private information without permission. The user is deemed to have accepted all legal and criminal liabilities that may arise from such use. 1.d Use of software that threatens the security of the site, interferes with the operation of the site, attempts to perform applications such as spam, and attempts to obtain, delete, or change information. 1.e Users should not disturb other site users, use incorrect and unethical emails, SMS, and other notifications to manipulate or encourage site users. Persons who ignore the above items are deemed to have accepted all legal and criminal liabilities that may arise.

User Conditions 2.a Rocket Agency's internet sites and applications are the owner or licensee of all materials and intellectual and industrial property rights, including but not limited to all information, images, Rocket Agency brand, and other brands, Rocket Agency name, logo, icon, demonstrative, written, electronic, graphic, or machine-readable technical data, computer software, applied sales system, business method, and business model presented in a readable form on machines, and are legally protected. Materials on the internet site; In particular, they cannot be copied, used in any other way, processed, modified, translated into another language, displayed, presented, used in another site or system, loaded, mailed, transmitted, or distributed, without obtaining written permission, except with written permission. 2.b Persons accessing the site and applications are deemed to have accepted these terms of use during the use of the contents, information, and services on the site. Users who do not accept these conditions should not use the site. and international agreements, during access to the site and applications. Otherwise, any legal and criminal liability that may arise belongs to the user. 2.d Users agree to respect the rights and legal interests of other users during access to the site and applications, and to comply with ethical and legal norms during the use of contents, information, and services accessed through the site and applications, and not to harm other users. Users also undertake not to cause any harm to other users during access to the site and applications. 2.e Users are solely responsible for all kinds of transactions and actions made through their user accounts, for any content they publish or share on the site, and for any damages that may arise from these transactions and actions. Users are also responsible for keeping their login information confidential and secure. Any legal and criminal liability that may arise from failure to maintain the confidentiality and security of login information belongs to the user. 2.f Users cannot use the site and applications in any way to spread or encourage unethical or illegal activities. Users are responsible for all kinds of actions and transactions made by them within the site and applications. In the event that any legal and criminal liability arises from the actions and transactions made by the users within the site and applications, these legal and criminal liabilities belong to the user. 2.g Rocket Agency cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damages that may arise from users accessing the site and applications or not being able to access the site and applications, or using the contents, information, and services on the site and applications, or not being able to use the contents, information, and services on the site and applications, or any other reasons, during access to the site and applications. 2.h In case Rocket Agency is exposed to any legal sanctions or investigations due to the actions and transactions made by users within the site and applications, the user is obliged to compensate for all damages, losses, and expenses incurred by Rocket Agency. In such cases, Rocket Agency reserves the right to seek compensation and/or indemnification from the user. 2.i Rocket Agency may contain links to other websites and applications on the internet. Rocket Agency is not responsible for the privacy policies and terms of use of other websites and applications accessed through these links. Users accessing other websites and applications through links on Rocket Agency are deemed to have accepted the privacy policies and terms of use of those websites and applications. 2.j Rocket Agency may use cookies to collect information about users and their usage habits. Users who do not want cookies to be placed on their devices can change their browser settings accordingly. However, users who do not accept cookies may not be able to use certain features and services of Rocket Agency.

Membership Conditions 3.a Users must register and create a user account to access some features and services of Rocket Agency. Users must provide accurate, complete, and up-to-date information during the registration process and update this information regularly. Otherwise, Rocket Agency cannot be held responsible for any damages, losses, and expenses that may arise from inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated information provided by users. 3.b Users are responsible for keeping their login information confidential and secure. Users are also responsible for all actions and transactions made through their user accounts. Any damages, losses, and expenses that may arise from the actions and transactions made by the users within the site and applications due to failure to maintain the confidentiality and security of login information belong to the user. 3.c Rocket Agency reserves the right to suspend or terminate user accounts and prevent users from accessing the site and applications, either temporarily or permanently, if it detects any violation of these terms of use or any other illegal or unethical activity. Users whose accounts are suspended or terminated by Rocket Agency cannot claim any compensation or indemnification from Rocket Agency. 3.d Users can delete their user accounts at any time by following the instructions provided on the site and applications. However, Rocket Agency may retain certain information about users even after their accounts are deleted, as required by law or for legitimate business purposes. Rocket Agency is not responsible for any damages, losses, and expenses that may arise from the deletion of user accounts. 3.e Rocket Agency may suspend or terminate the provision of some or all features and services of Rocket Agency at any time, either temporarily or permanently, without prior notice. Rocket Agency is not responsible for any damages, losses, and expenses that may arise from the suspension or termination of features and services of Rocket Agency.

Rights and Obligations of Rocket Agency 4.a Rocket Agency reserves all rights regarding the contents, information, and services on the site and applications, including but not limited to all intellectual and industrial property rights, copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, and other proprietary rights. Users cannot copy, reproduce, distribute, display, perform, publish, transmit, or otherwise use the contents, information, and services on the site and applications without obtaining written permission from Rocket Agency. 4.b Rocket Agency may change, update, or remove the contents, information, and services on the site and applications, either partially or completely, at any time, without prior notice. Rocket Agency is not responsible for any damages, losses, and expenses that may arise from changes, updates, or removal of contents, information, and services on the site and applications. 4.c Rocket Agency may suspend or terminate the provision of some or all features and services of Rocket Agency at any time, either temporarily or permanently, without prior notice. Rocket Agency is not responsible for any damages, losses, and expenses that may arise from the suspension or termination of features and services of Rocket Agency. 4.d Rocket Agency may suspend or terminate user accounts and prevent users from accessing the site and applications, either temporarily or permanently, if it detects any violation of these terms of use or any other illegal or unethical activity. Rocket Agency is not responsible for any damages, losses, and expenses that may arise from the suspension or termination of user accounts and prevention of access to the site and applications. 4.e Rocket Agency may use cookies to collect information about users and their usage habits. Users who do not want cookies to be placed on their devices can change their browser settings accordingly. However, users who do not accept cookies may not be able to use certain features and services of Rocket Agency. 4.f Rocket Agency may collect, process, and store personal information about users, including but not limited to name, surname, email address, telephone number, address, and payment information, as required by law or for legitimate business purposes. Rocket Agency is committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal information about users and complying with all applicable data protection laws and regulations.

Amendments to the Terms of Use 5.a Rocket Agency reserves the right to change, update, or modify these terms of use, either partially or completely, at any time, without prior notice. Users are responsible for regularly reviewing these terms of use to stay informed about any changes, updates, or modifications. 5.b If any provision of these terms of use is found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be deemed to be severed from these terms of use, and the remaining provisions of these terms of use shall remain in full force and effect. 

Privacy Policy 6.a Rocket Agency may collect, process, and store personal information about users, including but not limited to name, surname, email address, telephone number, address, and payment information, as required by law or for legitimate business purposes. Rocket Agency is committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal information about users and complying with all applicable data protection laws and regulations. 6.b Rocket Agency may use cookies to collect information about users and their usage habits. Users who do not want cookies to be placed on their devices can change their browser settings accordingly. However, users who do not accept cookies may not be able to use certain features and services of Rocket Agency. 6.c Rocket Agency may use personal information about users to provide features and services on the site and applications, to communicate with users, to improve the quality of features and services, to analyze usage patterns, to prevent fraud and abuse, to comply with legal obligations, and for other legitimate business purposes. 6.d Rocket Agency may share personal information about users with third-party service providers, business partners, affiliates, subsidiaries, and other third parties as necessary to provide features and services on the site and applications, to communicate with users, to improve the quality of features and services, to analyze usage patterns, to prevent fraud and abuse, to comply with legal obligations, and for other legitimate business purposes. 6.e Rocket Agency may transfer personal information about users to third parties in countries other than the country in which the information was originally collected. Rocket Agency will take appropriate measures to ensure that personal information about users is protected during such transfers, in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations. 6.f Rocket Agency may disclose personal information about users if required by law or if Rocket Agency believes that such disclosure is necessary to protect the rights, property, or safety of Rocket Agency, its users, or the public. 6.g Rocket Agency may retain personal information about users for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, including but not limited to the purposes of providing features and services on the site and applications, communicating with users, improving the quality of features and services, analyzing usage patterns, preventing fraud and abuse, complying with legal obligations, and other legitimate business purposes. 6.h Rocket Agency is committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal information about users. Rocket Agency will take appropriate technical, organizational, and administrative measures to protect personal information about users against loss, theft, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.

Cookie Policy 7.a Rocket Agency may use cookies to collect information about users and their usage habits. Cookies are small text files that are placed on users' devices by websites that users visit. Cookies contain information that can be read by the website that placed the cookie. 7.b Rocket Agency uses cookies to provide features and services on the site and applications, to communicate with users, to improve the quality of features and services, to analyze usage patterns, to prevent fraud and abuse, to comply with legal obligations, and for other legitimate business purposes. 7.c Users can change their browser settings to block cookies or to receive a warning before cookies are placed on their devices. However, if users block cookies, they may not be able to use certain features and services of Rocket Agency. 7.d Rocket Agency may use both session cookies and persistent cookies on the site and applications. Session cookies are temporary cookies that are deleted when users close their browser, while persistent cookies remain on users' devices for a longer period of time. 7.e Rocket Agency may use first-party cookies and third-party cookies on the site and applications. First-party cookies are cookies placed on users' devices directly by Rocket Agency, while third-party cookies are cookies placed on users' devices by third-party service providers, business partners, affiliates, subsidiaries, and other third parties.

Consent 8.a By using the site and applications, users consent to the collection, processing, storage, and sharing of personal information about users by Rocket Agency, as described in these terms of use, privacy policy, and cookie policy. Users also consent to the use of cookies by Rocket Agency, as described in these terms of use, privacy policy, and cookie policy. 8.b Users have the right to withdraw their consent at any time, by deleting their user accounts and ceasing to use the site and applications. However, Rocket Agency may retain certain information about users even after their accounts are deleted, as required by law or for legitimate business purposes.

Contact If you have any questions or concerns about these terms of use, privacy policy, or cookie policy, please contact us at [contact email address].

Acknowledgement By using the site and applications, users acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to these terms of use, privacy policy, and cookie policy. Users also acknowledge that they have the legal capacity to enter into a binding agreement with Rocket Agency and to comply with these terms of use, privacy policy, and cookie policy.